Prof. Katerina Fountedaki
Of Counsel
Attorney at the Supreme Court (Areios Pagos) Thessaloniki Bar Counselling in Famlily Law matters; Medical Malpractice cases; Counselling of Medically assisted procreation clinics; Scientific assistant in the Committee for the reform of the Greek Civil Code family law (1994-1996; Law 2447/1996); (2004-2008) Council of Europe Working Party of experts on Adoption (CJ-FA-GT 1), assigned with the preparation of the new European Convention on Adoption of Children (open for signature: 2008); (2002) Ministry of Justice Working Party for the study of the impact of Biotechnology on Civil Law and the preparation of a new legislation on relating matters (law 3089/2002 “medically assisted procreation”); Ministry of Justice Working Party for the reform of Family Law (2010); (2013-2014) Appointed Chairperson of the Council of the E.U. Working Party on Civil Law Matters (Matrimonial and Registered Partnerships’ Property Regimes), during the Greek presidency of the E.U.; Ministry of Justice Working Party for the reform of Family Law Ministry of Justice Working Party for the reform of Family Law; Legal Committee of A.U.Th. (2014); (2015) Ministry of Justice Working Party for the reform of registered partnership for different and same sex couples (law 4356/2015); Ministry of Justice Working Party for the reform of Family Law (parental responsibility) 2020-2021.
- Civil Law
- Law of Torts
- Comparative Civil Law
- Family Law
- European Family Law and European Convention of Human Rights
- Property Law
- Professional Liability (specialized in Medical Liability/ malpractice)
- Medical Law (Bioethics, Biomedicine, Medically assisted procreation)
Sector - Industries
- Banking
- Financial Services
- Investment Services
- Credit rating agencies
- Athens Bar, 1992
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Ph.D., 1993
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, LL.M. (Civil Law), 1992
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, LL.B., 1991
- English
- Spanish
- French
- German
- Greek
- Professor of Civil Law, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (since 2013)
- Associate Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (2008)
- Assistant Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (2003)
- Lecturer, Civil Law, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (1998)
Appointments and Professional Memberships
- Supreme Special Court
- Council of Evaluation and Accreditation for Law and Political Sciences of the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education
- Former Vice President of the National Authority of Medically Assisted Procreation
- Prime Minister’s Committee for the elaboration of a National Plan for the rights of LGBTQ+ people
- Co- founder and Member of the A.U.Th. Laboratory for the Research of Medical Law and Biethics
- Member of the Board of the Hellenic Family Law Society
- Secretary general of the Board of the Association of Greek Civilists
- Co-founder of the Association of Medical Law and Bioethics
- Former member of the Legal Committee of A.U.Th.
Recent news/Publications
- “Lessons of Medical Liability”, Athens 2018
- “Person and Personality in the Civil Code” (in Greek), Thessaloniki, 2012
- “Human Reproduction and Medical Civil Liability” (in Greek), Thessaloniki, 2007
- “Adoption. Law 2447/1996, its reforms and application” (in Greek), Thessaloniki, 2010
- “The parental responsibility cases in Regulation 2201/2003” (in Greek), Thessaloniki, 2004
- “Medical civil liability. General Introduction, Dogmatic and Political Approach, Essential Notions” (in Greek), Thessaloniki, 2003
- “Adoption. Conditions, Procedure, Nullification” (in Greek), Thessaloniki, 1998
- “Illegal Adoption” (in Greek), Thessaloniki, 1993
- 7 extended participations in collective works
- More than 100 articles/studies/expert opinions/notes on court decisions
- More than 100 participations in colloquies, conferences and seminars (Greek and International, Legal, Medical, Interdisciplinary)