Sofia Kizantidi
Senior Associate
Sofia demonstrates the genuine multi-specialist nature of our practice.
In her employment practice, she provides guidance to Greek and foreign companies and their in-house counsels and legal advisors on the full context of employment law in Greece. She brings a wealth of experience in cross-over areas between corporate and employment such as redundancies within the context of corporate restructurings, business transfers, and mergers and acquisitions, and benefits including stock option structures and other incentive schemes. Sofia provides preventative counselling to companies’ human resources management working closely with them to ensure they are fully in line with their obligations under Greek labor law. She also has extensive experience in labor litigation and dispute resolution.
Over the years, Sofia has retained an active focus across many of the firm’s practices regularly advising banks, investment banks, credit institutions, asset management companies, pension funds and national and international corporations on a broad range of issues. She has helped international banks establish Greek presence, and has represented credit institutions and their customers and shareholders in litigation proceedings before the Greek courts.
Sofia has advised on major privatization programs in strategic sectors of the economy such as the energy sector, and has acted for a food company within the context of the first financing project in Greece, supported by the European Fund of Strategic Investments and the EIB.
For several years, she was the firm’s advisor to the only Greek fiduciary manager and holder of the portfolio of all the Greek social security funds.
Sector - Industries
- Insurance
- Banking
- Investment Banks
- Listed Companies
- State-owned Entities
- Privatizations
- Food Industry
- Energy
Athens Bar, 2007
- ALBA Graduate Business School, MSc. (Business for Lawyers), 2009
- Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, LL.M. (German Law), 2005
- National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, LL.B., 2004
- English
- German
- Greek
Recent news/Publications
- (Co- author) Corporate Governance Review (Greek Jurisdiction) Law Business Research (2017)