Our associates academic achievements
Recently, our Senior Associate, Dr. Kanellos Klamaris, published a legal essay in the Chronicles of Private Law (ChrID 2022, 181 et. seq.), on the methods of shareholdings’ protection according to the new Greek Law on company transformations (Law 4601/2019).
Company transformations are the quintessential field where the bulk of rules imbuing, among others, the relationship of the shareholders with the company and the relationship between the shareholders themselves are undergoing a stress test. One of the main legislative goals of the new Greek Law on company transformations was to establish a coherent framework for the protection of shareholdings. Dr. Klamaris’ essay analyses the underlying methods or particular legislative techniques implemented for the protection of shareholdings irrespective of the material content of each method or measure introduced by the lawmaker to the same end.
Dr. Kanellos Klamaris is also a co-author of the only commentary that has been published to date on the Greek law, on company transformations.