
Same-Sex Marriage, Adoption, Surrogacy: Constitutional Framework and Legislative Regulation.

Same-Sex Marriage, Adoption, Surrogacy: Constitutional Framework and Legislative Regulation.

On Tuesday, January 23, 2024, Kyklos Ideon organized a thought-provoking event at the King George Hotel in Athens, focusing on "Same-Sex Marriage, Adoption, Surrogacy: Constitutional Framework and Legislative Regulation."

Having played a pivotal role as one of the principal authors of the Greek bill on same-sex marriage,

our esteemed Of Counsel, Prof. Katerina Fountedaki, was a featured commentator at the event.

The session presented the views of prominent academics, exploring the constitutionality of the proposed provisions and provided a platform for rich discussions and valuable insights into the constitutional and legislative aspects of these critical topics. Kyklos Ideon is a think tank committed to fostering informed dialogues on issues of societal importance.

The event was moderated by the former Deputy Prime Minister of Greece, Evangelos Venizelos. Speakers included Antonis Karampatzos, Professor, School of Law, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece and Lina Papadopoulou, Professor, School of Law, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

It is worth noting that Katerina was appointed by the Government of Greece as a member of the team who drafted the Special Government Bill (SGB) concerning same-sex marriage and its implications in family law. Her expertise in adoption, kinship, and medically assisted reproduction distinguished her as the foremost authority in Greece. With an extensive portfolio of scholarly writing, research, and professional contributions in these specialized areas, she brings unparalleled knowledge to the task at hand.

As the primary architect of the SGB and a significant contributor to its Explanatory Memorandum, she played a pivotal role in shaping the legislation and served as an advisor to the Government during the briefing sessions for members of the New Democracy (ND) party; Her involvement will extend to the parliamentary debates, where she will be offering invaluable insights and guidance, ensuring the informed discussion of the proposed legislation.

#KyklosIdeon #Equality #LegalDiscussion #SameSexMarriage #Adoption #Surrogacy #ConstitutionalFramework #LegislativeRegulation #LegalInsights #AthensEvent




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