Scientific Panel: The effect of the pandemic on the exercise of claims
On Thursday, March 10, 2022, the Hellenic Association for Banking and Financial Law (HABFL) organized a panel discussion on "The effect of the pandemic on the exercise of claims of securitized NPLs by Law 3156/2003 or transferred by Law 4354/2015"; as Chairman of the Association, our Firm’s Managing Partner Dr. Dimitris Tsibanoulis, moderated this scientific panel which included the following speakers and commentators:
Mrs. Haroula Apalagaki, Professor of AUTh, Secretary General of the Hellenic Bank Association, member of the Board of HABFL
Mr. Christos Hassapis, Assistant Professor of NKUA, Member of the Board of HABFL
Mr. Ilias Plaskovitis, Bank of Greece Banking Advisor, Associate Professor Panteion University
Mr. George Christodoulakis, Associate Professor Alliance Manchester Business School, Executive Board Member of ICAP CRIF, Head of ICAP CRIF Credit Rating Agency.
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