Scientific Panel: The legal challenges of cryptocurrencies
On Thursday, March 31, 2022 the Hellenic Association of Financial Law (HAFL) organized a scientific panel discussion on the topic of "Digital currency and cryptocurrencies: Modern legal challenges"; as Chairman of the Association, our Firm’s Managing Partner Dr. Dimitris Tsibanoulis, moderated this scientific panel which included the following speakers and commentators:
Mrs. Jenny Giotaki, Team Leader, Legal and Compliance Unit, European Banking Authority
Mr. Elias Polyzogopoulos, Senior AML (Anti Money Laundering) Expert, Hellenic Capital Market Commission & FATF (Financial Action) Assessor Task Force on Money Laundering)
Mr. Foivos Athanassiou, Senior Lead Legal Counsel at European Central Bank
Mrs. Anastasia Stamou, Second Vice-president of the Hellenic Capital Markets Commission, General Secretary of HAFL Board
Mrs. Marie Markosian, Fintech/Digital Finance policy advisor to the Vice-President of the European Parliament
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