At Tsibanoulis & Partners, we offer trainees a unique training environment that combines professional experience with academic rigor.

Incentives for business development through partnerships and company transformations and other provisions

On the 26th of May 2022, Law 4935/2022 on “Incentives for business development through partnerships and company transformations and other provisions” was published in the Government Gazette (GG A’ 103).

EU Regulation on crypto-assets

On the 30th of May, 2022, Regulation (EU) 2022/858 was published in the Official Journal of the EU, introducing – with an effective date of 23/03/2023 – a novel pilot regime for market infrastructures based on DLT technology. The experimentation phase will last for 6 years.

Transfer of the Greek TMO to the Hellenic Industrial Property Organization

According to Law 4796/2021 (G.G. A' 63) entitled "Simplification of the framework for the exercise of economic activities under the responsibility of the Ministries of Development and Investment, Labour and Social Affairs, Maritime and Insular Policy, Infrastructure, and Transport, arrangements for the transfer to the Industrial Property Organization of the competence regarding trademarks, other provisions for the strengthening of development and other urgent regulations",

Our associates academic achievements

Recently, our Senior Associate, Dr. Kanellos Klamaris, published a legal essay in the Chronicles of Private Law (ChrID 2022, 181 et. seq.), on the methods of shareholdings’ protection according to the new Greek Law on company transformations (Law 4601/2019).

The European Commission launches a targeted consultation on a digital euro; Update


In October 2020, the Eurosystem initiated a digital euro project. Within this framework, on April 5, 2022, the European Commission (COM) launched a targeted consultation on the digital euro (the "Consultation"), seeking a group of specialists to assist in the research and development needed to digitise the currency of the federation.


Omirou St. 18
Athens, Greece

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+30 21 036 75 164



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